On 27 February 2020, Dr. Muhammad Amir As’ari, the associate member of Sport Innovation and Technology Centre (SITC) and the member of Biomedical Instrumentation and Electronics Research Group (bMiE) was invited by UTM Post-Graduate Student Society, School of Mechanical Engineering & School of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (UTM PGSS SKM-SKBSK) to give a talk in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, which is a well-known approach in deep learning or artificial intelligence.
His research interests are in computer vision, signal & image processing and sport & assistive technology. The hands-on in implementing the Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for developing automated image recognition using Matlab was demonstrated during his talk. Hopefully, the participants might get the benefit from the fruitful sharing in recent artificial intelligence, which is one of the main components in inevitable fourth industrial revolution (4IR).