IA bowl of bubur lambuk is a must have every Ramadan and is considered a comfort food to many in Malaysia. In conjunction with the holy spirit of Ramadan, the Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn) has organized the bubur lambuk distribution program led by iHumEn Club on 3 May 2021 and was conducted in the Foyer of IJN-UTM Cardio Center.

The program was officiated by Prof. Dr. Mohd Shahrizal Sunar, Director of iHumEn Institute. All the iHumEn Club committee members attended this fruitful event, as well as students also do not miss the opportunity to join the event.

In support of the preparation of the bubur lambuk, the iHumEn Club members are the main sponsors and contributors of this event. About 50 bowls of the bubur lambuk were freshly cooked and distributed to all UTM staff, students, and iHumEn members at V01 with the Standard of Procedure (SOP) compliance set by the National Security Policy (MKN) and the government.

This kind gesture from iHumEn cheered up the staff, students, and all of whom worked around the clock to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. A warm bowl of buburlambuk will bring contentment when breaking fast, provide them with the much-needed energy and motivation to perform their duties at their very best.

Despite the unprecedented pandemic, for all of us at iHumEn, one thing that remained unchanged is the spirit of giving and charity. Committed to creating good-food moments that provide comfort to everyone, it is glad to continue this tradition over these past years of distributing nutritious bubur lambuk during the blessed month of Ramadan. It is hoped that through this initiative, iHumEn members and UTM can inspire people to share the Ramadan blessing with those who serve or are in need.

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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

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