The free heart screening and monitoring with the MyThrob program were held from 4 to 8 April 2021 at the Ultrasound Room, IJN-UTM Cardio Centre of UTM. This joint event was hosted by the IJN-UTM Cardio Centre and co-organized by the School of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences.

An essential aspect of lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease is by having a regular check-up and heart screening. The free heart screening and monitoring with the MyThrob program were held from 4 to 8 April 2021 at the Ultrasound Room, IJN-UTM Cardio Centre of UTM. This joint event was hosted by the IJN-UTM Cardio Centre and co-organized by the School of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences.

This program aims to deliver free heart screening and monitoring services to the staff using the developed medical device known as MyThrob. The researcher’s team created this medical research prototype and led by Dr. Hau Yuan Wen, the Project Leader. This innovation, the portable MyThrob, can function by recording the Electrocardiograph (ECG) signal, providing relevant information on the cardiovascular parameters, and giving early warnings if people are suspected of having heart disease.

The heart screening was successfully conducted within five days, with almost 79 participants having received the services using the MyThrob free of charge. A screening test is done to detect potential health disorders or diseases in people who do not have any disease symptoms. The goal is early detection and lifestyle changes or surveillance, reducing disease risk.

It is hoped that the number of heart screenings and monitoring using MyThrob will increase from time to time, either for the staff or students. Also, it is expected that the MyThrob innovation benefits everyone on a large scale and can be accepted by the market while adding to the existing heart screening method.

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