Stay healthy and remaining productive in life is essential for everyone. To realize and enhance healthy living, the Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn) successfully organized an aerobics program and spring cleaning for all iHumEn residents at the IJN-UTM Cardio Center lobby. Interestingly, the event started with a warm-up session, followed by aerobics, led by the Aerobics Coach, Mr Amirul Ariff B. Zainal.

The objectives of this program are to instil and encourage iHumEn members to practice a healthy lifestyle and strengthen their friendship with each other. This event is significant as it can refresh the body, create a sense of happiness, and carve a smile and cheerfulness on their faces after a hard day’s work. iHumEn also believes that the aerobics program can nurture iHumEn citizens who are proactive and intelligent, capable of performing responsibilities to the best of their ability with high-impact deliverables to the department.

Spring cleaning in the respective office areas was also conducted to foster a spirit of cooperation and teamwork among staff and adopt a quality work culture through the activities carried out. Apart from that, this activity is relevant and can brighten their office areas, clean and enhance the 5s corners (sort, straighten, shine, standardize, sustain) in each zone. Not only will the staff be healthier and happier, but the cleanliness of the workspace environment can also be improved. This program is essential in providing quality services by minimizing the unpleasant feeling of stress, especially at the workplace.

For iHumEn, this could not be a seasonal program. However, it shall continue from time to time and not be limited to the workplace only; perhaps this beneficial event can be done anywhere. This initiative is hoped to empower and inspire others, especially the iHumEn members, to improve the quality of life from good to excellent.

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