On 30th October 2022, the Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn) successfully hosted the high-performance delivery workshop with strategic partner, Johor State Education Department (JPNJ).

This half-day impactful high-performance delivery workshop was conducted at the Ko-O Centre, JPNJ with great participation from iHumEn members and researchers. The event begins with iHumEn motivational talk delivered by Prof. Dr. Mohd Shahrizal Sunar, Director of iHumEn, followed by a fruitful breakfast, briefing session for repelling and climbing activity led by the guide, representative from JPNJ, water confidence, and kayaking session, reflection session, and dismissal after lunch.

iHumEn is always committed to preparing its team members with an outdoor activity as one of the initiatives to boost individual and team performance.

Through the implementation of this workshop, teams can execute more quickly, make better decisions, solve more complex problems, and do more to enhance creativity and build skills than an individual can. Their use also increases productivity and morale, well­-functioning teams can outperform individuals and even other types of working groups.

In addition, team building activity helps to strengthen the relationship among the members, break misjudgment, and leverage effective communication. It is believed that a team that communicates frequently and honestly will always be more efficient and successful than its counterpart. A team that communicates knows each other. They know each other’s strengths, capabilities, and areas where they might need help from others. They are more in sync with each other, which ultimately translates into their work and results in completing responsibilities faster and with perfection.

For iHumEn, a healthy institute comes from a healthy team. Therefore, the high-performance delivery workshop could not be just a seasonal event, however, it shall be conducted from time to time. This could be an effective performance management strategy to motivate, measure, and develop the performance of employees and institute to support big-picture goals.

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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)

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