JOHOR BAHRU, 14 Nov. – CONGRATULATIONS to the 11 members from the Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn; previously known as IHCE) who have been certified by the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) as Certified Trainers.

The 11 Members are:
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kahar Osman
- Dr. Mohd Yazid Idris
- Dr. Mohd Najeb Jamaludin
- Dr. Kamarulafizam Ismail
- Dr. Saravana Kumar Jaganathan
- Dr. Hau Yuan Wen
- Dr. Syafiqah Saidin
- Dr. Aizreena Azaman
- Dr. Ajune Wanis Ismail
- Mr. Azizul Azman
- Mr. Muhammad Akmal Ayob

A ‘Train The Trainer’ (TTT) course was conducted from 15 to 19 July 2018 at CICT UTM Johor Bahru. The course was co-organized by the Media and Game Innovation Centre of Excellence (MaGICX), German-Malaysia Institute (GMI) and UTM School of Professional and Continuing Education (UTMSPACE). During this course, the trainers were groomed with 5 modules namely:
- Plan Adult Learning
- Conduct Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
- Design Competency Based Training Programme
- Conduct Competency Based Training Programme
- Assess Participant’s Competence

Several courses have been drafted out to be offered by iHumEn in this coming future. They are:
- Professional Diploma Programs
- Verilog & FPGA Training Course
- Anti-Microbial Training Course
- Biomedical Scaffold Production Training Course
- Fluid Dynamic Interaction Simulation Training Course
- Virtual and Augmented Reality Environment Training Course
- Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Training Course

Those courses were designed to address the technology gap in universities and industries with the direction of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. (IR 4.0). With the offering of these courses, UTM will be a referral university of such technologies in the ASEAN region.

For more info, please visit:
Reported by: Akmal Ayob