SITC has hosted an interactive hands-on online course on the systematic review, meta-analysis, and SPSS and AMOS for beginners on November 7-8 2020 through WebEx. The course was conducted by Dr. Nurwina Akmal Anuar, a research fellow in SITC, and Ahmad Hakiim Jamaluddin, a researcher from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia. With the involvement of 21 students and staff from UTM, UTHM, and UTeM, the outcome of this program is to produce capable researchers and graduates and inculcate more versatile and effective research techniques. Participants learned the definition and importance of systematic reviews and meta[1]analyses, steps, and techniques to manage their literature review, and when it is possible to do a meta-analysis. They also learned which SPSS test to use for their specific research objectives, how to know if the data is ready for analysis, and easy techniques to develop questionnaires.