Amidst an atmosphere of anticipation and collaboration, the stage is set for a momentous event; the National Sports Institute (ISN) successfully conducted the audit of the Sports Innovation and Technology Centre (SITC) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), officially designated as the southern zone satellite centre. The great effort by the prestigious ISN in partnership with the pioneering SITC carries the weight of recognition and the promise of advancement. It occurred at the SITC laboratory, where the convergence of expertise and innovation was audited and acknowledged, solidifying its esteemed position as a hub of sporting ingenuity. The primary objective of this event is to formalize and celebrate SITC’s role as the southern zone satellite centre. This designation symbolizes its dedication to propelling sport-related innovation and technology in the region.

As the auditors from ISN and the Research fellows of SITC led by Ts, Dr Hadafi Fitri bin Mohd Latip, come together, an intricate dance of evaluation and insight will unfold. Through this auditing process, the multifaceted efforts, technological advancements, and visionary pursuits of SITC will be meticulously reviewed, setting a benchmark for excellence and underscoring its invaluable contributions to sports innovation.

The significance of the sports audit extends far beyond a routine assessment. It serves as a cornerstone of accountability and progress. Through the lens of this audit, a holistic evaluation of the SITC’s operations, strategies, and impact is carried out. This process showcases transparency and adherence to best practices and provides an avenue for refinement and growth.

This collaboration is more than a mere audit. It is a testament to the collective pursuit of excellence. As the ISN officers and SITC research fellows converge, they bridge the gap between theory and practice, creating a synergy that promises to shape the future of sports innovation. This event stands as a milestone, a testament to the power of partnership and institutions’ dedication towards a common goal, the elevation of sports technology and innovation for the betterment of athletes and the sporting community.

Research Ecosystem
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)

DVCRI Profile Johor Bahru Office Kuala Lumpur Office

Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HI-COE)

Advance Membrane Technology Research Centre - AMTEC Institute of Noise & Vibration - INV Wireless Communication Centre - WCC

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