Nurturing Kid’s Talent 2019 was organized by the Medical Device and Technology Center (MEDiTEC), in collaboration with the School of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences and Postgraduate Students Society (PGSS). The event that was held on 20 December 2019, had two sub-programs which were Parenting Talk and Young’gineer. The Parenting Talk was delivered by two panels with different hot parenting topics. The first panel was Mdm. Maryam Jamadi, an occupational therapist from Beyond Home Therapy, Johor Bahru with the topic of Stimulate Children Development. While the second panel was Dr. Noor Aimie Salleh, a senior lecturer at the School of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences who is also the research fellow of MEDiTEC with the topic of Lifestyle vs Child’s Brain. In parallel, an activity which involved kids, aged from 5 to 10 years old, was conducted with the help of PGSS members.

The objectives of this program is to give an exposure to the society on how to stimulate children’s development and to deliver information on the effect of lifestyle to the health and development of children’s brain. It was also aimed to develop the interest in engineering among the young children by exposing them to simple and exciting engineering mechanisms. This first ever event, that taken place in Block V01, Faculty of Engineering, UTM, was attended by almost 35 parents and 34 kids from all over Johor Bahru.

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