A knowledge sharing session entitled Research@UTM: Where are we heading? It is the culmination of the UTM Library Research Weeks 2021 program held on 30 September 2021. This webinar was organized specifically to reach out to UTM researchers and create a platform of close synergy between researchers and the UTM Library. This session featured a special guest, Prof Dr Rosli Md Illias, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), and Prof Dr Mohd Shahrizal Sunar, Institute Director of iHumEn, UTM.
The exciting development of research at UTM can be seen clearly through UTM researchers’ success, and the innovation produced every year. Prof Dr Rosli Md Illias shared his experience on research culture among lecturers who turned out to be different 20 years ago compared to now.
UTM’s rating as a research university has boosted the culture of thinking and the focus of lecturers on producing high-quality publications. UTM’s research quality indicators can be seen through the impactful publications that were successfully published in Q1 and Q2 journals, with a total of more than 100,000 citations in 2020. The recognition of UTM as a Research University has indeed had a significant impact on UTM’s excellence.
Prof Dr Mohd. Shahrizal Sunar shared about the establishment of the UTMShine responsible for enhancing the outstanding potential of young researchers so that their expertise can be utilized, not limited in their field of study but across the disciplines.
UTMShine also works with several PTJs in UTM to revitalize the young academic staff’s research culture. Growing Talent Program Development is the result of cooperation between UTMShine and UTM Lead as one of the efforts to polish the potential of the young researchers.
Moving to UTM Research Blueprint 2021-2025, Prof Dr Rosli Md Illias said it is crucial to driving UTM’s long-term research activities. The main goal is to channel all research outcomes to the community and the socio-economic well-being of the community. Prof Dr Mohd. Shahrizal also agreed with the implementation Open Science initiative, which is seen to benefit the visibility of UTM researchers in the eyes of the world.
Both panels also emphasized that UTM Librarians play a significant role in the success of UTM’s initiatives Research Blueprint 2025. UTM Library needs to be in line with supporting research activities and aware of the needs of researchers. In addition to strengthening material resources, the library requires to improve research information, consulting services, expand knowledge-sharing programs, and so on.