Sports Innovation & Technology Centre (SITC), one of the Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn) renowned research centres, laid the foundation for developing sports technology as a field of academic study and sports industry. The initiative of establishing AOP Virtual Training (1.0 & 1.1) demonstrates the usage of FitAsia application in training the Asia Olympic Project athletes and coaches. It was successfully conducted on 16th March and 7th April 2021.

AOP Virtual Training 1.0 is back with fellow researcher of SITC, Dr Najeb Bin Jamaludin, who guided and educated the players with Badminton Asia’s newest app that can monitor and track the workout schedule.

The FitAsia app was developed by SITC’s team with a great collaboration with Badminton Asia Development.

In AOP Virtual Training 1.1, Dr Najeb explains more on the features, updates, and procedures for the training of the FitAsia app that players and coaches can monitor and record their training progress and activity. This app also will be available to the Badminton Asia members soon. It is hoped that the development of the FitAsia app could enhance and support the sports industry app that can be used and accessed widely and be recognized worldwide.

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