Dr Jasmine Hau, the Deputy Director of IJN-UTM Cardiovascular Engineering Centre (IJN-UTM CEC), along with her accomplished research teams; Joyce Lim Xin Yee, Cheah Jee Syuen, and Tan Yu Wei achieved the second runner-up position for The Best Pitching Team Award at InvencMax3.0 with their exceptional project titled ‘6 Minutes’ Walk Test (6MWT) Monitoring System for Remote Monitoring and Supervision of Rehabilitation with Vital Signs Monitoring.
The project is a pioneering endeavour combining biomedical engineering, health sciences, and technology to address a critical aspect of healthcare and rehabilitation. Their collective efforts and groundbreaking research secured them a prestigious position and earned them the second runner-up spot for The Best Pitching Team Award. This recognition speaks volumes about the significance and innovation embedded within their project, organized by the IEM-UTM.
The 6 Minutes Walk Test (6MWT) is a well-established clinical assessment to gauge a patient’s cardiovascular endurance and overall functional capacity. It involves measuring the distance an individual can cover within 6 minutes, primarily as an indicator of cardiopulmonary health. This test is precious for patients undergoing rehabilitation, such as those recovering from cardiovascular conditions or surgeries, as it helps healthcare professionals assess their progress and tailor their treatment plans accordingly.
The recognition received at InvencMax3.0 for this project underscores its potential to revolutionize rehabilitation and medical assessments. It showcases the power of interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation in solving real-world healthcare challenges, particularly remote monitoring and improving patient care outcomes.