E-Sports is a large industry that can potentially provide high-quality jobs including software developers, engineers, graphic designers, illustrators, and even e-sports marketers and advertisers. The Budget 2019 announcement by government proves a point that e-sports isn’t something to be looked down upon and instead it is a legitimate field and career where youth can pursue their passion for e-sports and games. There are some video games that you should definitely check out based on your personality type.
E-sports is a growing part of the ecosystem. This will give Malaysia the opportunity to groom new talents in the ecosystem that can become champions in E-sports. In addition, the creation of video games is also suitable based on our personality type. It shows everyone can play a role in E-sports Ecosystem.
Wondering what video games should you play next? Well, let’s spice things up a bit, shall we? You know what, maybe this time, you should try out new video games according to your Enneagram Personality Type. What is Enneagram? According to Tuity.com, it is a system of personality typing that explains patterns in how people conceptualize the world around them and how their emotions are managed.
You can check out Truity.com to take their free test to get some grip about your personality type. Like any other similar personality types, it is not necessarily accurate, but you will find it interesting as you can somehow get to know yourself a bit even just on the surface level. Moving on, here are some of the video game suggestions for you to try especially during the current MCO period.
Perfectionists are your natural born leaders. They are responsible, serious, and they usually seek for improvement and like to pursue the greater good. I think Light Yagami from Death Note would fit right into this personality type.
Some of the Perfectionist’s Characteristics
- Serious and straightforward
- Hardworking
- Highly capable to concentrate
- Practical, diligent
Based on these characteristics, I think Real Time Strategy, Survival, and Resource Management games would suit them as they enjoy creating a structural environment for themselves. Video games that I think they would enjoy are something like Minecraft or The Forest.

People with Type 2 personality would be the ones in your group of friends that you would refer to as the “Mum”. They are highly sympathetic, caring, and often seek ways on how to help other people. They would definitely nail classes like Support or Healer. Tsumugi Kotobuki from K-On came right into my mind when I think about this personality type.
Some of the Giver’s Characteristics
- Approachable, warm
- Altruistic
- Nurturing, gentle
- Calm, patient
I truly suggest CO-OP based games for the Givers. I think they would enjoy helping others thus making them excellent team players. Some games that they should give a try are Overcooked and if they are into horror, Left 4 Dead would be great for them too. Just make sure not to startle the Witch!

The Achiever would be your stereotypical Extroverts. They crave to give 110% of their effort in doing things thus making them some of the most fired up people. Think of Natsu Dragneel from Faity Tail, I think he could be considered as the Achiever.
Some of the Achiever’s Characteristics
- Charismatic
- Accomplishment seeker
- May have interest in performing arts
- Busy and on the go
I would suggest them to play Adventure based games and also Choices Matter games as they are highly adventurous, and they like to make a decision for themselves. Thus, games like Pokemon and Until Dawn would definitely keep them entertained

Hello, Romeo ~ People with this kind of personality highly value the uniqueness in themselves. They are your poets, artists and they just like to express themselves. I am pretty sure that Tokyo Ghoul’s Shuu Tsukiyama belongs to this personality type.
Some of the Individualist’s Characteristics
- Artistic, creative
- Passionate
- Quirky, authentic
- Expressive
I believe that single player story driven, and life simulation games would suit their style. They often seek deeper meaning in everything and love to customize things based on their sense of uniqueness. If you are a Type 4, maybe you can try to play Life is Strange or Animal Crossing.

The Investigators are independent and inquisitive. They like to wonder about how the world works and they could be very analytical. They usually are introverted, minimalist, and they could also be quite insensitive due to their non-conformist personality. L. Lawliet from Death Note fits this personality type perfectly.
Some of the Investigator’s Characteristics
- Appears absentminded
- Knowledgeable, insightful
- Reserved, independent
- In their own world
I took the test from Truity.com and it turned out that I might belong to this personality type. So, rest assured, you can take my suggestion seriously. Personally, I enjoy a puzzle based and mystery/horror games. Escape room ish games are also one of my favorites. If you are a Type 5, maybe you would appreciate games like Baba Is You or Outlast.

For the sixth personality type, the Loyalist are those who are dedicated and keen to belong to a social setting. They usually can find any place in this world and fit in with everybody. They for sure enjoy having company and they are the kind of people who you would rarely see them walking alone. To me, Gintama’s Kondo Isao seems like a classic Type 6.
Some of the Loyalist’s Characteristics
- Well-liked
- Amazing team players
- Excellent communicators
- Social
As they usually move in groups, I guess they would thrive the most in Multiplayer Online Battle Arena as well as Team based First Person Shooter video games. With the ability to communicate clearly, they also would have no problems with playing video games like Onmyoji Arena or Overwatch.

Enthusiasts are bursts of energy. They are what could be considered as the life of a party or the happy pills. They always view the world in a positive manner, similar to a precious little child. They probably behave like Haruhi Suzumiya.
Some of the Enthusiast’s Characteristics
- Always moving around
- Full of energy
- Curious, eager
- Optimistic, upbeat
Among those popular kids that you have seen, one of them got to be an Enthusiast. They are generally well-liked and have no problem hanging around with their peers. Thus, I figured that any team-based and MMORPG games would suit them perfectly. They could also enjoy games that have colourful and bizarre concepts. Dragon Raja or Fortress 2 seems like something that they would enjoy playing.

The challengers are also your natural born leaders. They are goal-oriented, focus, and they are very prideful. They are the type that would never give up on something that they have set their eyes onto. They could be amazing gym instructor, assuring you to never give up. Probably they are someone like Mello from Death Note.
Some of the Challenger’s Characteristics
- Independent, powerful
- Headstrong, fierce
- Fiery passions
- Determined
While they would also excel in team-based games, some people who could not cope with his leadership style would probably feel exhausted. Thus, I think any action or tactical shooter games would be more suitable for them. They can choose whether to play in a team or solo. Games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive or Player Unknown’s Battleground would probably fit their style.

The Peacemakers are natural counsellors. They are usually calm, collected, and seem to understand people well. They avoid conflicts by keeping everything around them peaceful. They would also be the first ones who would stop a fight between people. Tokugawa Shige-Shige from Gintama seems like one of the Peacemakers.
Some of the Peacemaker’s Characteristics
- Soothing, calming
- Understanding
- Agreeable
- Mediator
Peacemakers might be a good support in team-based games. However, I think they would probably enjoy single player and interactive story-based games more. This is because they probably would be stressed out in a super intense gaming experience especially those that involve various kinds of players. Suggested games for them would be something like Abzu or flow.

Those are all nine personality types according to Enneagram. I hope this article is somehow useful for you. Do check out all of the games suggested just because, you never know if maybe you will get hooked up on one of these, right?
Playing E- sports is a cooperative activity. Students need to form teams and must create strategies to accomplish their objective. Just like a rugby or football team, each player on the E-Sports team has a role to play. Some students have found an opportunity to thrive as leaders among their E-Sports clubs.
Moreover, the health impacts of E- Sports are not entirely negative. Research conducted by cognitive neuroscientist Daphne Bavelier confirms that some action video games have positive effects on the brain. So remember that gaming is more than just a little “fun” — it’s an entire industry, career, and passion. If you have done it smartly and enjoyed, e-Gaming can be very good for you. Anyway, be safe everyone! Stay at home and GAME ON!
Nur Fatehah Binti Yusoff
Vice Secretary E-Sports Club UTM
School of Education
Faculty of Science Social and Humanities
Hadafi Fitri Mohd Latip
E-Sports Club Advisor
Sports Innovation Technology Centre ( SITC)
Institute Human Centre Engineering (IHUMEN)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia