Ceremonies were held by IVAT to bid farewell to its two members of academic staff, Dr. Nouruddeen Bashir Umar and Dr. Muhamad Abu Bakar Sidik on the 30th March and 19th April 2016, respectively. It was a feeling of sadness to see them leaving, and yet happiness to see them extending their career boundaries. Both Dr. Nouruddeen and Dr. Abu Bakar joined IVAT almost 6 years ago after completing their studies at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. It is a fortunate opportunity to see them grow over the years into a valuable member of our team. Most of us who have worked with them have found them to be a very conscientious, professional and hard-working colleagues. Their outgoing and friendly personality helped to create a pleasant environment to work with and their contributions have been a great benefit to IVAT. Hence, undeniably they will be deeply missed.

“Dear Dr. Nouruddeen and Dr. Muhamad Abu Bakar, thank you so much for your dedication. You will go away but your morals, ethics and advice will always stay with us. We will definitely miss you but this isn’t goodbye as we know you will keep in touch and we will see you sooner rather than later. Thank you for everything you have given to IVAT. We sincerely wish you all the best in your future transactions. Farewell!!”