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May 5-6, 2024, The Centre of Hydrogen Energy (CHE) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) marked a significant presence at the Publication Roadshow #1 for 2024. Hosted by the Centre of Electrical Energy Systems (CEES) with support from the Director, Assoc Prof Dr. Norzanah Rosmin, the event was characterized by a spirit of collaboration and knowledge sharing. ‘Sharing is caring’ within the academic realm drove fruitful exchanges and fostered a culture of mutual support.

Prof. Dr. Aishah Abdul Jalil, Director of CHE, honoured the occasion as an invited speaker, imparting profound insights and extensive expertise in high-impact journal publications. The contribution, characterized by a fusion of theoretical depth and practical wisdom, ignited inspiration among all participants, underscoring the event’s significance in fostering academic discourse.

The success of the roadshow was greatly attributable to the diligent efforts of junior researchers, Dr. Nurul Sahida Hassan, Dr. Mahadi Bahari, and Mansur Alhassan. Their unwavering dedication and meticulous approach played a pivotal role in ensuring the event’s smooth execution, reflecting CHE’s commitment to advancing research excellence.

Key Highlights from the Event:

Session 1: Participants gained a comprehensive overview of the motivations and essential preparatory steps for publishing both research/experimental articles and review papers.

Sessions 2 & 5: Targeted coaching sessions focused on crafting impactful titles, abstracts, and introductions, vital for captivating the essence of research and engaging a broader academic audience.

Sessions 3 & 5: Hands-on training sessions provided participants with the necessary tools for writing detailed methods, results, discussions, and conclusions, emphasizing the paramount importance of clarity and rigor in research documentation.

Session 4: Exclusive to review papers, this session equipped participants with the requisite skills and motivations to navigate the intricacies of writing and publishing in high-impact journals.

These sessions not only enhanced the publication skills of participants but also fostered a collaborative spirit among researchers from CEES, the Institute of Future Energy (IFE), and the wider UTM community.

As anticipation rises for future roadshows, CHE remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting its researchers and contributing significantly to the scholarly community. The invaluable insights gained from this event are poised to propel collective efforts toward achieving greater academic excellence and innovation.

Figure 1: Group Photo Session Day 1

Figure 2: Group Photo Session Day 2

Figure 3: Hands-on training session

Figure 4: One-to-one coaching session by Prof. Dr. Aishah Abdul Jalil

Prepared by: Ts. Muhammad Abdul Razak, Ts. Dr. Mohd Fadhzir Ahmad Kamaroddin & Prof. Dr. Aishah Abdul Jalil

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