Conference Proceedings
Explore the collection of conference proceedings organized by the UTM Centre for Engineering Education, featuring cutting-edge scholarly research and innovative practices in engineering education.
Conference / Expo
Proceeding Link
Conference in Engineering Education 2005
The 2nd Regional Conference on Engineering Education 2007 (RCEE 2007)
The 3rd Regional Conference on Engineering Education 2010 (RCEE 2010)
The 4th Regional Conference on Engineering Education 2012 (RCEE 2012)
The 4th International Research Symposium on PBL (IRSPBL 2013)
The 2nd International Innovative Practices in Higher Education Expo (I-PHEX 2015)
The 6th Regional Conference on Engineering Education 2016 (RCEE 2016)
The 3rd International Innovative Practices in Higher Education Expo (I-PHEX 2016)
7th World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF 2017)
The 4th International Innovative Practices in Higher Education Expo (I-PHEX 2017)
The 5th International Innovative Practices in Higher Education Expo (I-PHEX 2018)
The 2nd International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education 2018 (ICSTEM2018)
The 1st Innovative Practices in Education Expo (I-PEX 2018)
I-PEX2018 Proceedings
The 9th Regional Conference on Engineering Education & Research in Higher Education (RCEE & RHEd 2021)
The 6th International Innovative Practices in Higher Education Expo (I-PHEX 2024)