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JOHOR BAHRU, 25 May 2018 – The Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International) in collaboration with UTM Academic Leadership Center (UTMLead) organized Hitachi Scholarship Research Support Program 2018.

Hitachi Scholarship Research Support Program 2018 is a new program that offers research grant to eligible faculty members from universities in the South East Asia region. The scholarship provides an opportunity for researchers to conduct research in Japan for a maximum duration of one year. The program targets research projects that can contribute to solving social issues such as ‘Energy and Environment’, ‘Urban Development and Transportation’ and ‘Healthcare’. Four applicants from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) had applied for this grant and two were chosen by the program. The successful applicants were Dr. Ebrahim Abouzari-lotf from the Centre of Hydrogen Energy, Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering and Dr. Hafiz Dzarfan Othman from the Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering. Congratulations to both of them.

Dr Ebrahim Abauzari-loft (left) and Dr. Hafiz Dzarfan Othman (right)

Congratulation to both of them.

Sources from: https://news.utm.my/2018/06/hitachi-scholarship-research-support-prrogram-2018/

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