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Hydrogenics and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Korea

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Hydrogenics was signed in conjunction with World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2014) held at KDJ convention centre, Gwangju, Korea.

Professor Dr. Hamdani Saidi, UTM KL Campus Director signed on behalf of The Vice Chancellor Professor Datuk Ir. Dr. Abd. Wahid Omar witnessed by Professor Dr. Arshad Ahmad, Director of UTM Institute of Hydrogen Economy (IHE). Mr. Daryl Wilson, Chief Executive Officer of Hydrogenics signed for Hydrogenics witnessed by Mr. Joseph Cargnelli.

UTM, through the Institute of Hydrogen Economy (IHE) has been developing PEM fuel cell systems since 2002. In 2008 UTM successfully tested H2Motive, a zero emission motor cycle using a fuel cell engine in South Africa. The MOU will enhance the collaboration between UTM and Hydrogenics, especially in the development of high efficient PEM Fuel Cell integrated systems using hydrogen as clean fuel. The collaboration is expected to benefit both parties in terms of commercialization, human resource development and sharing of expertise.


From left: Professor Dr. Arshad Ahmad (Director of UTM Institute of Hydrogen Economy); Professor Dr. Hamdani Saidi (UTM KL Campus Director); Mr. Daryl Wilson (Chief Executive Officer of Hydrogenics) and Mr. Joseph Cargnelli (Chief Technical Officer of Hydrogenics)

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