At CHE, we value friendships, teamwork and team loyalty – something that is not easy to establish in competitive academic environment. Our activities are therefore extended beyond the academic world. Some of our activities are recorded here:

Taking a break at Mulu National Park and the Pinnacle Climb In July 2012, three IHE members took off to Miri and then to Mulu National Park for few days. The trip includes visiting caves, waterfall, boating and trekking to camp 5 and climbing the Mulu Pinnacle.

Fishing Trip: May 2014 Sayang atau marah, kenyang atau lapar, suka atau sedih – semuanya relatif. Ia bukan absolut. Ia dipengaruhi oleh keadaan. Ia juga boleh dikawal – macam orang selalu kata – mind over matter. Begitulah keadaan kawan-kawan kami yang memancing pada malam itu. Kerana sibuk melayan ikan, lapar tidak terasa dan semuanya tidak makan malam.

Fishing Trip – October 2013

Fishing Trip – April 2013

Fishing Trip: October 2012 In July 2012, thre

Climbing Mount Angsi (15 May 2010) Mount Angsi is located in Negeri Sembilan, somewhere in between Seremban and Kuala Pilah. It can conveniently be reached through PLUS Highway via Senawang exit, or from LEKAS highway

Deep Sea Fishing – Aur & Pemanggil (October 2010) An interesting and leisurely trip to Pulau Pemanggil, and Pulau Pemanggil.

Deep Sea Fishing – Tioman & Pemanggil (April 2010) An interesting and leisurely trip to Pulau Tioman and Pulau Pemanggil

Deep Sea Fishing Trip (15 May 2011)

Deep Sea Fishing Trip (October 2011) This is one of the best trip. We caught many big fish and the weather was nice. We enjoyed the trip immensely.

Deep Sea Fishing April 2012 The first fishing trip in a year is called “Program Balik Kampung”. We were always looking forward for this trip after a long break from sea related activities due to monsoon season.

Climbing Mount Datuk (February 2010)