The 2018 MyHVnet Colloquium will be held on 08 February 2018 at Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Here are the important dates;
15 December 2017:
Abstract submission due: one-page extended abstract meant for 10 minutes presentation
05 January 2018:
Extended abstract acceptance notifications
08 February 2018
2018 MyHVnet Colloquium
The brochure for the colloquium can be downloaded here.
The tentative schedule for the colloquium can be found here.
The template for the 1-page extended abstract can be downloaded here. The 1-page extended abstract should be e-mailed directly to Dr. Norhafiz Azis (norhafiz@upm.edu.my).
For further enquiries, please contact Dr. Wan Fatinhamamah Wan Ahmad (wfwanahmad@upm.edu.my), Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Zainal Abidin Ab Kadir (mzk@upm.edu.my) or Associate Prof. Dr. Azrul Mohd Ariffin (Azrula@uniten.edu.my).