- International Diversity and Student Engagement in Graduate Engineering Research Groups
Erin Crede & Maura Borrego
- The Influence of Socio-economic Status among Matriculation Students in Selecting University and Undergraduate Program
Norbahiah Misran, Sarifah Nurhanum Syed Sahuri, Norhana Arsad, Hafizah Hussain, Wan Mimi Diyana Wan Zaki and Norazreen Abd. Aziz
- Defining and Measuring Critical Thinking in Engineering
Elliot P. Douglas
- Mathematics Requirements for Vocational and Technical Education in Iran
Fereshteh Zeynivandnezhada, Zaleha Binti Ismail, Yudariah binti Mohammad Yusof
- An Analysis of Social Network Categories: Social Learning and Social Friendship
Mohd Shahizan Othman, Shaffika Mohd Suhaimi, Lizawati Mi Yusuf, Norazah Yusof and Nadirah Mohamad
- Engineering Technology Program In Malaysia: A Market Survey
M.S Yahaya, A.Noordin, S. Ahmad, M.R. Mohamad Sapiee
- First Year Experience (FYE) Programme: Reflections from a FiveYear Implementation
Mohd Azraai Kasim, Mohd Ismail Abd Aziz, Dhinapriya Balachandran, Mohd Zaki
Kamsah, Doria Abdullah
- Does CAD Really Encourage Creative Behaviours Amongst Its Users?: A Case Study
Aede Hatib Musta’amal, Eddie Norman, Mohd Khata Jabor, Yahya Buntat
- Comparison between Two Models of Engineering Students’ Intellectual Development
Norhayati Ahmad, Khairiyah M. Yusof, Azlina Mohd Kosninc, Su Kai Min Daniel
- Innovations and Curriculum Development for Engineering Education & Research in India
Ashish Kumar Parashar & Rinku Parashar
- Student Perceptions Change in a Chemical Engineering Class Using Cooperative Problem-Based Learning (CPBL)
Fatimah Mohamad Adi, Fatin Aliah Phang, Khairiyah Mohd Yusof
- Continuous Professional Development in Civil Engineering: Closing the Knowledge Gap
M.S.Liew, F.Nuruddin, T.N. Tengku Shahdan & E.S.Lim
- An Analysis of e-learning System Features in Supporting the True e-learning 2.0
Mohd Shahizan Othman, Nadirah Mohamad, Lizawati Mi Yusuf , Norazah Yusof and Shaffika Mohd Suhaimi
- Assessment of Participation Using Rubric for Online Discussion
Syefrida Yulina, Halina Mohamed Dahlan, Ab. Razak Che Hussin
- Perception on Sustainable Development among New First Year Engineering Undergraduates
Sharipah Norbaini Bt Syed Sheikh, Azmahani Bt Abdul Aziz, Khairiyah Bt Mohd Yusof
- Assessing Students’ Practical Skills in Basic Electronic Laboratory based on Psycho-motor Domain Model
Kamilah Radin Salim, Marlia Puteh, Salwani Mohd Daud
- The Implementation of PBL in Physics for Engineering Technology Courses: A case study for Faculty Of Engineering Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia
Ahmad Sayuthi, Zanariah Jano, Norlezah Hashim, Suziana Ahmad, Rohana Abdullah
- Creating a Constructively Aligned Learning Environment using Cooperative Problem-based Learning (CPBL) for a Typical Course
Khairiyah Mohd Yusof, Syed Ahmad Helmi Syed Hassan, Fatin Aliah Phang
- “Ningen Ryoku�?: The Japanese Way In Inculcating Human Skill Into Engineering Education
Rory Padfield, Effie Papargyropoulou, Sabariah Baharun, M.J. Megat Mohd Noor, and Chiken Kinoshita
- Problem-based Learning Laboratory (PBLab): Facilitators’ Perspective on Rubric Assessment
Nur Ayuni Shamsul Bahrin, Naziha Ahmad Azli, Narina Abu Samah
- Integrating Constructivist Elements into the Design of a Courseware for Enhancing the Learning of Thermodynamics
Normah Mulop, Zaidatun Tasir, Khairiyah Mohd Yusof
- Measurement Model Of Employability Skills Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Mohd Yusof H, Ramlee Mustapha, Syed A. Malik, Seri Bunian, M
- A Conceptual Framework for Mathematical Ability Analysis through the Lens of Cultural Neuroscience
Mohd. Fauzi Bin Othman, Yudariah Mohammad Yusof, Aisha Mahmood
- Nurturing Innovative And Creativity Through Open Ended Laboratory: Jkkp Experince
Noorhisham Tan Kofli, Sharifah Najiha Badar, Norliza Abd. Rahman and Siti Rozaimah Sheikh Abdullah
- A Proposed RC Helicopter Based Control Theory Trainer for Diploma Students
Tee Tiong Tay, Yaw Long Chua, Muhammad Javed Iqbal
- Developing a Structural Model to Assess Students’ Knowledge-Attitudes towards Sustainability
Azmahani Abdul Aziz, Sharipah Norbaini Syed Sheikh, Khairiyah Mohd Yusof , Amirmudin Udin, Jamaludin Mohamad Yatim & Fatimah Mohd Nor
- Java Programming Assessment Tool for Assignment Module in Moodle E-learning System
Norazah Yusof, Nur Ariffin Mohd Zin, Noor Shyahira Adnan
- Production of Membership Functions for the High Precision Applications in Fuzzy Systems and Neural Networks
Mehdi Esmaeil pour
- Assessing Student Perceptions of Service Quality in Technical Educational and Vocational Training (TEVT) Institutions in Malaysia
Mohd Zuhdi Ibrahim, Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman, Ruhizan M. Yasin
- Planning and Development of Nuclear Engineering Program at Universiti Tenaga Malaysia (UNITEN)
Nasri A. Hamid, Mohd. Zamri Yusoff, Mohd Syukri Yahya
- Conceptual Knowledge in Three Dimensional Computer Aided Design (3D CAD) modeling: A literature review and conceptual framework
Mohd Fadzil Daud, Jamaludin Mohd Taib, Rio Sumarni Sharifudin
- Problem formulation within open-ended problems: looking through the Structure-Behavior-Function (SBF) and Novice-Expert (NE) Frameworks
Wan W. Amani. Wan Salim, Heidi A. Diefes-Dux
- The Correct Use of Passive Voice in Report Writing By Somali SPACE Students in UTM
Massoumeh Hajizadeh Rivandi1, b Sulia Masturina Che Razali, b Nurhayati Husin, Razifa Mohd Razlan, b Nur Hafizah Rabi’ah Husin, b Nurul Amilin Razawi
- The Relationship between Users Cognitive Style and Information Seeking Behavior among Postgraduate Engineering Students
Maryam Salariana, Roliana Ibrahim, Kourosh Nematic
- Alternative Conception about Open and Short Circuit Concepts
Noor Hamizah Hussain, Liza Abdul Latiff , Nazli Yahaya
- Environmental Factors Influencing Sketching Behaviour among Mechanical Engineering Undergraduates
Idris Ishak, M Zamani Ahmad, Nuraihan Ismail, Abd Rahman Musa
- Using Computer Simulation and Animation to Improve Student Learning of Engineering Dynamics
Ning Fang
- Transforming the first-year engineering experience through authentic problem-solving: Taking a models and modeling perspective.
Heidi A. Diefes-Dux a, Wan W. Amani. Wan Salimb.
- The Impact of Blended Learning on Communication skills and Teamwork of Engineering Students in Multivariable Calculus.
Hamidreza Kashefi, Zaleha Ismail, Yudariah Mohammad Yusof.
- Overcoming Students Obstacles in Multivariable Calculus through Blended Learning: A Mathematical Thinking Approach.
Hamidreza Kashefi, Zaleha Ismail, Yudariah Mohammad Yusof
- Exploring Factors Influencing the Transfer of Training Using A Grounded Theory Study: Issues and Research Agenda.
W.H. Wan Hamid, M.Z. Mat Saman, M.S. Saud.
- Strategic and Tactical Approaches on University -Industry Collaboration.
M.S.Liew,T.N. Tengku Shahdan & E.S.Lim.
- A problem formulation project in Statics for connecting the theory to daily application.
Kuntinee Maneeratana , Tawan Paphapote , Thanyarat Singhanart, Nuksit Noomwongs a, Sawat Luengruengrit.
- Authentic Assessment of Industrial Training Program: Experience of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
Norazah Yusof, Muhalim Mohd. Amin, Marina Arshad, Halina Mohamed Dahlan, Noorfa Mustafa.
- Frequency Index for Learning Space in Higher Education Institutions.
A.I. Che-Ani, N.M. Tawil, A.R. Musa, M.M. Tahir, N.A.G Abdullah.
- Application of Rasch Model in Measuring Students’ Performance In Civil Engineering Design II Course.
Siti Aminah Osman, Syahdatul Isnain Naam, Othman Jaafar, Wan Hamidon Wan Badaruzzaman & Riza Atiq Abdullah O.K. Rahmat.
- Relationship between Learning Environment and Learning Approaches among Engineering Students.
Seri Bunian Mokhtar, Saemah Rahman, Ramlee Mustapha and Mohd Yusof Husain.
- Promoting multi-layered peer learning in a course on engineering grand challenges.
Tracy X.P. Zou, Edmond I. Ko, Neil Mickleborough.
- Engineering Elements between First Year and Final Year Engineering Students in Malaysia.
Fatin Aliah Phang, Mohamad Bilal Ali, Normah Mohd Ghazali, Md Nor Bakar, Noor Azlan Ahmad Zanzali, Marlia Puteh, Nor Farahwahidah Ab Rahman, Lilia Ellany Mohtar.
- Process-oriented guided inquiry learning in engineering.
Elliot P. Douglas, Chu-Chuan Chi.
- Physics Studies and Generic Attributes.
Lee Ween Shin, Fatin Aliah Phang.
- International mobility programme participation in diversifying students’ learning experience and strengthening graduate attribute development: a case study.
Mohd Azraai Kasim, Mohd Ismail Abd Aziz, Dhinapriya Balachandran, Doria Abdullah.
- Study of Critical Success Factors in Engineering Education Curriculum Development Using Six-Sigma Methodology.
Sivajothi, Paramasivam, Kanesan, Muthusamy.
- The Influence of Types of Race among Engineering Students towards the Level of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Scores.
Saibani , B. M. Deros, N. Muhamad, D. A. Wahab, and J. Sahari.
- Evaluation of Training Effectiveness on Advanced Quality Management Practices.
Baba Md Deros, Nizaroyani Saibani, Bahrim Yunos, Mohd Nizam Ab. Rahman, Jaharah A. Ghani.
- An Analysis of the Relationship between Effective Teaching and Effective Learning at UTP .
Mariyamni Awang, Balbir Singh, Iskandar Dzulkarnain.
- Students’ perception on good lecturer based on Lecturer Performance Assessment .
Yahya Samian, Norah Md Noor.
- The effects of industrial training on students’ generic skills development.
Shazaitul Azreen Rodzalan and Maisarah Mohamed Saat.
- Read and Respond: The ‘Y’ generation speaks.
Fatimah Puteh, Sergio Saude, Awis Rumaisya Azizan, Nurul Na’immah Hamdan, Khairi Izwan Abdullah.
- Assessment of Psychomotor Domain in Materials Technology Laboratory Work.
Roszilah Hamid, Shahrizan Baharom, Noraini Hamzah, Wan Hamidon Wan Badaruzzaman, Riza Atiq O.K. Rahmat and Mohd RaihanTaha.
- Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Malaysian Higher Education: A Review of Research on Issues of Implementation and Learners´ Experience.
Mohamad Termizi Borhan.
- Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge among Undergraduate Education Degree Students at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
Muhammad Abd Hadi Bunyamina, Fatin Aliah Phang.
- Improving the Teaching of Engineering Mathematics Using Action Research.
Roselainy Abdul Rahman, Yudariah Mohammad Yusof, Sabariah Baharun.
- Student centred teaching and learning for training calculate a binary code by using binary computer game.
Ritthiwut Puwaphat.
- Mathematical Learning of Engineering Undergraduates.
Soheila Firouzian, Zaleha bt Ismail,Roselainy bt Abdul Rahman, Yudariah Binti Mohamad Yusof.
- Programme Outcomes Assessment Models in Engineering Faculties in Malaysia: A Critical Analysis.
Abdul Wahab Mohammad & Azami Zaharim.
- Self-efficacy, Locus of Control and Attitude among Engineering Students:Appreciating the Role of Affects in Learning Efforts.
Maizam Alias, Zainal Abidin Akasah, Mohd Jahaya Kesot.
- Does Motivation Affect Students’ Understanding And Performance In Engineering Statics?
Habibah @ Norehan Hj. Haron, Awaluddin Mohamed Shaharoun, Marlia Puteh and Hafizah Harun.
- A Conceptual K-6 Teacher Competency Model for Teaching Engineering.
Ji Hyun Yu, Yi Luo, Yan Sun and Johannes Strobel.
- Using complexity thinking to develop a new model of student retention.
Jonas Forsmana,Cedric Lindera, Rachel Mollb, Duncan Fraser.
- A Conceptual K-6 Teacher Competency Model for Teaching Engineering.
Ji Hyun Yu, Yi Luo, Yan Sun and Johannes Strobel.
- Constructivist approach in virtual universities.
Abbas Abdoli Sejzia, Baharuddin Aris.
- Assessing Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Behavior and Organizational Commitment in a Higher Learning Institution.
Norshidah Nordin.
- Key Performance Indicators Vs Key Intangible Performance among Academic Staff: A Case Study of a Public University in Malaysia.
Tajul Ariffin Masron, Zamri Ahmad, Norizan Baba Rahim.
- Intentions and Expectations of Female PhD Students in Engineering at one University in Malaysia.
Mahani Mokhtar.
- The Trend of Engineering Education in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions of Learning towards Achieving Technological Development.
Ali Idris and Muhammad Rajuddin.
- Engineering Education and Product Design: Nigeria’s Challenge.
J.O. Mahmud, M.S. Mohd Ismail and J. Mohd Taib.
- Self Reflection Focusing On Pedagogical Content Knowledge.
Nor Hasniza Ibrahim, Johari Surif, Mohammad Yusof Arshad, Mahani Mokhtar.
- Conceptual and procedural knowledge in problem solving.
Johari Surif, Nor Hasniza Ibrahim, Mahani Mokhtar.
- Perception towards Cooperative Problem-Based Learning (CPBL) Among First Year Engineering Students.
Umi Soleha Radzali, Khairiyah Mohd Yusof, Fatin Aliah Phang Abdullah.
- Andragogy and Pedagogy Learning Model Preference among Undergraduate Student.
Norah Md Noor, Jamalludin Harun, and Baharuddin Aris.