Industrial placement, where a student undertakes a period of training with an organization usually during a semester break, plays an important role in preparing the student for a professional career. From the hands-on training, the student learns about the skill sets required, demands of the industry and also work ethics. At the same time it gives the student an opportunity to put into practice what he or she has learned at university.
CSNano have received the first intake students for industrial training from 19th July 2020 until 8th October 2020. The students are Nuraqilah Faiqah Hazahar and Suziana Badir Noon Zaman. Thank you for having us for experincing the lifelong learning. This is an opportunity for them aspire in a realistic work environment; appreciate and understand the practical application of their academic program; work with professional mentors and to begin to build networks within their profession.
Moreover, participating in internship programs also allows us to develop leadership and mentoring skills, create exposure for the centre, bring new perspectives and fresh ideas into the work environment. It is also a convenient pathway for the centre to recruit human resource as some absorb trainees into their workforce after they graduate.