OMAN, 2 DECEMBER 2018Delegation from AMTEC lead by our Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Hafiz Dzarfan Othman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lau Woei Jye and Dr. Mukhlis A. Rahman. This year STEP has been held on 2nd to 5th December 2018 at Sultan Qaboos University Muscat, Oman which highlighted the Health, Energy and water; Current and Future Status on their sessions. In this STEP meeting, Mustafa(pbuh) Prize laureates such as Jackie Ying, Prof. Erol Gelenbe and Prof. Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi will participate.


4TH Science and Technology Exchange Problem (STEP) Delegation from Malaysia

     The STEP Symposium which is held annually in one of the Islamic Countries offers a wide range of joint cooperative research opportunities and creates a platform for in-depth discussions and exchanges of strategic experience to OIC’s countries in the field of Science and Technology. 

      The STEP Symposium which is held annually in one of the Islamic Countries offers a wide range of joint cooperative research opportunities and creates a platform for in-depth discussions and exchanges of strategic experience to OIC’s countries in the field of Science and Technology.

      Aiming to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of academics centers and encourage researchers to focus on patenting, through the enhancement of cooperation between the scientists and scholars of Islam world, the Mustafa(pbuh) Science and Technology Foundation, launched STEP Program in 2015 as a part of its scientific activities. The second round of the STEP was held at the Malaysian university of UPM, on December 19-23, where 180 Muslim researchers, scholars and faculty members and 30 scientists from  Muslim countries gathered for five days to meet and exchange views on ways to tackle the challenges facing R&D in the Muslim world. Omar Yaghi, a Chemist from Jordan, and Jackie Ying, a anotechnologist from Singapore, who were the laureates of the 2015 Mustafa(pbuh) Prize held in the Iranian capital Tehran, are also at the event. Scientists took the stage to share with their fellow scientists what’s new in their field of expertise.

For more info visit ; Mustafa Prize

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