YBhg. Prof Datuk Ahmad Fauzi Bin Ismail again was re-appointed as Chairman in Academy of Sciences Malaysia Southern Region Chapter for the term 2018 to April 2020. As a part of AMTEC this is an honor and will be a powerful ‘Think Tank’ of the nation for matters related to science, engineering, technology and innovation.


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JAMST (Vol 27, No 1,April 2023)

JAMST (Vol 27, No 1,April 2023)

Latest Issue in Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology (Vol 27, No 1, April 2023) Dear Datuk/Datin/Professor/Associate Professor/Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms., We would like to inform you that the Regular Issue of Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology...

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Research Ecosystem
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM Nexus - Research & Innovation

Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)

DVCRI Profile Johor Bahru Office Kuala Lumpur Office

Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HI-COE)

Advance Membrane Technology Research Centre - AMTEC Institute of Noise & Vibration - INV Wireless Communication Centre - WCC

Research Institute

Centre of Excellence (COE)

Institute of High Voltage & High Current - IVAT UTM-MPRC Institue for Oil & Gas - IFOG Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics - CAIRO Centre for Engineering Education - CEE Centre for Advanced Composite Materials - CACM Innovation Centre in Agritechnology for Advanced Bioprocessing - ICA Institute of Bioproduct Development - IBD

Service Entity

Research Management Centre - RMC Penerbit UTM Press Centre for Community & Industry Network - CCIN Innovation & Commercialisation Centre - ICC University Laboratory Management Centre - PPMU Institut Sultan Iskandar - UTM-ISI

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