CALL FOR PAPERS: Membrane Technology for the Rubber Industry
In collaboration with Malaysian Rubber Board, Advanced Membrane Technology Research Centre is pleased to announce an open call for papers for a Special Issue in Journal of Rubber Research entitled “Membrane Technology for the Rubber Industry”. This Special Issue is dedicated to all aspects of membrane science and technology and will bring together the recent advances and progresses in membrane technology for rubber industry applications. The membrane is the most essential part of any membrane separation process. This Special Issue will encompass all contributions related to membrane material development, membrane fabrication, engineering design, membrane technology applications in replacing indigeneous processes as a cleaner processing technique for value-added biomaterial extraction and subsequent development in the rubber industry to achieve a zero discharge scenario.
Topics of Interest:
- Membrane material development
- Membrane fabrication methods and characterizations
- Water and wastewater management
- Use of membrane filtration technology for concentration of latex and for extraction-purification of non-rubber constituents from latex serum
Guest Editors:
- Dr. Devaraj Veerasamy (Suraaj Mahir Consultancy)
- Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Juhana Jaafar (Universiti Teknolgi Malaysia)
- Dr. Manroshan Singh A/L Jaswan Singh (Malaysian Rubber Board)
Important Dates:
- Final Article Submission Date: 15th April 2022
- Final Accepted Article Date: 15th October 2022
- SI Publication Date: 15th November 2022
The format for full article submission is available at:
For more information feel free to contact:
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Juhana Jaafar (juhana@utm.my)