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Majlis Anugerah Persada Cendekia (APeC) 2021
Majlis Anugerah Persada Cendekia (APeC) 2021 Pusat Penyelidikan Teknologi Membran Termaju yang diadakan di Pulai Springs Resort, Johor Bahru untuk menghargai staf-staf dan pelajar-pelajar yang telah mencapai kecermelangan dalam pelbagai bidang pada tahun 2021. Persada...
Lab visit by SG. Padimas Engineering Sdn. Bhd. and Valourtech Machineries Sdn. Bhd. to AMTEC On the 11th May 2022, AMTEC have receiveed a visit by industry partner of UTM-MPRC Institure for Oil and Gas. The purpose of the visit is to see the potential facilities to be...
JAMST(Vol 26, No 1, April 2022)
Latest Issue in Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology (Vol 26, No 1, April 2022) Dear Datuk/Datin/Professor/Associate Professor/Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms., We would like to inform you that the Regular Issue of Journal of Applied Membrane Science &...