KUCHING, 19 AUGUST 2018 – UTM’s staff for the first time has been selected to win the Excellent Administrator Award (Writing) at Malam Anugerah Gemilang MASTI (MAGMA 2018) in conjunction with the Public Administrator’s Day Convention 2018 which took place on August 19, 2018 (Sunday), at The Ranyai Ballroom, Kuching Waterfront Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak. The ceremony was completed by UNIMAS Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohamad Kadim Suaidi.
Mohd Sohaimi Abdullah, Senior Research Officer at the Technology Research Center Advanced Membrane (AMTEC), Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s Office (Research & Innovation) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia said such awardings were proving that every management and professional officer at public university also plays a role and can contribute significantly to public education institutions through their respective fields of expertise. “I call on management partners and professionals especially Research Officers in order to continue to contribute and diversify the scope of the work field and get involved directly or indirectly directly in research activities that are able to make a big impact not only to university but also to the nation as a whole through scientific writing, technical reporting, production of research papers and research management, ” he said, giving thanks for the award he won.
Through 19 years of experience in research and development membrane technology for clean water processing, wastewater, treated water and gas separation, he had produced in 50 impressive publication with 15 h-index, chapter in books and technical reports. Together with researchers at AMTEC, he was also involved in the production of 18 registered patents and the he has been granted a professional membership status by the Malaysian Technology Institute (MBOT) as a Professional Technologist (Ts.). According to him again, opportunities and cooperation grouped with academics at the Advanced Membrane Technology Research Center (AMTEC), a network of relationships with overseas research institutions as well as collaboration industry partners are an important factor for the success and sustainability of a product research. In addition to the research being the core of the scope of the work, he was also actively involved in in commercialization and product development, consultancy, administrative management and financial planning as well as being involved in community service work by being a manager of UTM AMTEC UTM especially during the devastating natural disaster in Kelantan, Sabah and Pahang with the provision of water supply to victims of natural disasters.

T.s Mohd Sohaimi bin Abdullah along with the plaque and certificate of the Excellent Administrator Award (Writing)

Picture from left, Senior Research Officer of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Dr. Myzairah Hamdzah, T.S Mohd Sohaimi Abdullah and Mrs. Nur Arbainah Shamsul Annuar.
The Public Administrator’s Day Convention 2018 is organized by Majlis Persatuan Pentadbir Universiti Awam Malaysia (MASTI), in collaboration with Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM), Akademi Kepimpinan Pendidikan Tinggi (AKEPT) and Majlis Pendaftar Universiti Awam (MPUA) organizing Sambutan Hari Pentadbir UA 2018 on 18-20 Ogos 2018 in Kuching, Sarawak.
This award ceremony is given to staff management and professionals who exhibit excellence in work performance comprehensive and consistent. A total of 12 Administrator Excellence Awards awarded among them the MASTI Special Award, the MASTI Prime Leadership Award, Awarded Administrator Award, Outstanding Administrator Award (Writing), Award Excellent Administrator (Research), Outstanding Administrator Award (Community Service), Excellent Administrator Award (Creativity & Innovation), Best Administrator’s Association Award and Hope Expectant Award presented at the event as a courtesy the contributions of administrators in supporting the realization of the vision and mission of the university.Majlis Persatuan Pentadbir Universiti Awam Malaysia (MASTI), became the patron of 20 public university administrator associations that help provide the platform for Administrators This public university works and also honors talent in various fields such as writing, research, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills and others to improve quality in their services.
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