RCEE 2010 Session 3

Below are the papers presented during Session 3.
Papers can be downloaded by clicking on the link provided.

  1. Cooperative Problem-based Learning (CPBL) Framework for Integrating Cooperative Learning and Problem-based Learning
  2. Crafting Engineering Problems for Problem-Based Learning Curriculum
  3. Fostering Creativity from Constructivist Perspectives A Literature Review
  4. Methods to Study Enhancement of Problem Solving Skills in Engineering Students through Cooperative Problem-Based Learning Motivation in Problem-Based Learning Implementation
  5. Transforming Traditional Training Approach to Problem Based Learning in Delivering Engineering technology subjects
  6. Understanding Effective University Teaching, Learning motivations and student evaluation of teaching
  7. A Study on Top Management Commitment and ISO 9000 Certification Accreditation Practice in Faculty of Engineering, UNIMAS
  8. Continuous Monitoring and Assessment Process of Programme Outcomes Implemented by Engineering Programme in UNIMAS
  9. Measuring Service Quality of a Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Course
  10. Students Perception on Novice Teacher Competency in Vocational Subject – A Case Study
  11. The Implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) in Teaching, Learning and Asesessment in Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  12. Lecturer Efficacy, Professional and General Competencies of Malaysian Polytechnic Technical Lecturers
  13. A Swot Analysis of Challenges Facing Research Universities
  14. Designing Educational Computer Games to assist Autism Children Learn Using Games Based Learning
  15. Instructional Design Mediated Interactivity Patterns in Student and Staff Access to, and Attitudes Towards Usefulness of, ICT in an Australian University
  16. Social Networking as Educational Tools for Today Generation
  17. The phenomenon of virtual university in new age trends and changes
  18. An evaluation of students’ practical intelligence and ability to diagnose equipment faults
  19. Assessing Mechanical Engineering Undergraduates’ Conceptual knowledge in three dimensional computer aided design (3D CAD)
  20. Enhancing fuzzy inference system based criterion-referenced assessment with an analogical reasoning schema
  21. How good was the test set up From Rasch Analysis Perspective
  22. Industries Involvement in the Assessment of Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO)