PBL Across Cultures: PBL Application (specific fields)

Below are the papers presented in “PBL Application (specific fields)” theme.
Papers can be downloaded by clicking on the link provided.

  1.  From Conventional to Non-conventional Laboratory: Electrical Engineering Students’ Perceptions
  2.  The Effectiveness of Problem-based Learning Approach on Students’ Skills in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Specifically on Programming Course Using a Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) Simulator
  3.  Project-Based Learning: Using Architecture Pedagogy to Enhance Engineering Education 
  4. Integrating Sustainability in a PBL Environment for Electronics Engineering
  5. Experiences of PBL for Reengineering in Small Business
  6.  FILA-MMS Chart in Chemistry PBL Lesson: A Case Study of Its Implementation During Problem Analysis
  7.  Designing “Theory of Machines and Mechanisms” Course on Project Based Learning Approach
  8. Defining Vocational Education and Training for Tertiary Level Education: Where Does Problem Based Learning Fit in?
  9.  Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) in a Malaysian Teacher Education Course: Issues and Benefits From Students Perspective
  10.  The Impact of the Implementation of the PBL for EFL Interdisciplinary Study in a Local Thai Context
  11. Problem Based Learning for measured drawing in Bachelor of Science Architecture Program, UKM