Joint Research Programme


The objective of this program is to train PhD students at an international level to undertake research  on engineering education and to improve the quality of engineering education.


The scope of the research program covers the following areas:

  • Engineering Epistemologies – research on what constitutes engineering thinking and knowledge within social context
  • Engineering Learning Approaches – research on engineering learners’ developing knowledge and competencies in context
  • Engineering Learning System – research on the instructional culture, infrastructure and epistemology of engineering educators
  • Engineering Diversity and Inclusiveness – research on how diverse community contribute solutions to the social and global challenges and relevance of engineering profession
  • Engineering Assessment – research on assessment methods, instruments and measurements to inform engineering education practice and learning

These areas are in accordance with the EERC (The National Engineering Education Research Colloquies, US.) priority research areas.

Due to the special profile of engineering education research at AAU and UTM, there is high research expertise involved on problem based and project organized learning in engineering education and education for sustainable development.