ICSTEM 2018: Submission Guidelines

Authors are cordially invited to submit a paper online. All papers must represent original and unpublished work that is not currently under review or not submitted for publication elsewhere. All papers will go through a double-blind peer review process by experts of the relevant field. Thus, the papers must be free from the authors’ names and affiliations. Submission of the papers however must be made in .pdf format. All short papers will be published in ICSTEM Proceedings with an ISBN number. Full papers are expected to be published in an indexed or non-indexed journal depending on final acceptance. Full papers should be scholarly in nature.

Category of Papers

Short papers : 3 – 4 pages

Full Papers : 5 -15 pages

Paper Tracks Related to STEM Education

  1. Action research
  2. Classroom research
  3. Innovation
  4. Education policy and leadership
  5. Outreach / community program
  6. Curriculum
  7. Assessment
  8. Psychology of Teaching and Learning
  9. Technology

To download the paper template, click here: Download template paper

To submit your paper, click here:  Paper Submission

**Deadline for Submission of Papers has been extended to 14 June 2018.