I-PEX 2018

 Deadline for extended abstract submission is extended to 15th July 2018. 
Registration and submission closed.

The 1st Innovative Practices in Education Expo 2018 (I-PEX 2018)

International Innovative Practices in Education Expo (I-PEX 2018)

All teachers who registered and paid to participate ICSTEM 2018 are eligible to enter I-PEX 2018 without extra charges. I-PEX 2018 is for teachers to showcase their innovative and best practices in teaching and learning STEM that they apply in their teaching.

Extended Abstract Submission

  • Submit an extended abstract of 500-1000 words (describe innovations related to participant’s own practice)
  • Use the I-PEX 2018 Template to write the extended abstract. Click HERE to download.
  • Register your extended abstract at I-PEX 2018 Registration Form. Register HERE. (Registration has already closed).
  • Submit your extended abstract to wa.izzati@utm.my before 1st July 2018  15th July 2018. 

Additional information for I-PEX2018 participants:

    • Each registration entitles entrance/ participation for one person only. Team members of innovation will have to register to ICSTEM2018 and I-PEX2018 to enter the event.
  • Each innovation will be given one (1) display panel for poster without table, chair, and electrical socket. If you need them, please contact Ms. Izzati (wa.izzati@utm.my). RM300 will be charged for a set of table, chair and electrical socket.
  • A certificate will be given to each innovation, that will include the title of innovation and name of team members according to the extended abstract submitted. If you need more certificate, please inform us. Additional payment will be charged for printing and postage of the certificates.


Should you have any question, feel free to contact:
Ms. Faizah: 07-5610225 (faizah-sps@utm.my) or
Ms. Izzati: 07-5610226 (wa.izzati@utm.my)