RCEE 2020: Video Presentation Submission

For online virtual conference platform, please prepare a narrated video (mp4) of your presentation which will be included in the online RCEE 2020 virtual conference platform.

Please take note during your conference session; your recorded video presentation will be played. You are still required to attend your session for Q&A session (5 minutes). Before submitting for your video presentation, please make sure you have done the following:

  • Register and make the payment
  • Submit revised full paper

Please upload your video presentation on time so we have enough time for testing and feedback if needed.

Deadline video submission : 17th September 2020

Please submit your video presentation file here.

If you require any technical assistance during the video submission, please contact Dr. Zaki Yamani via zakiyamani@utm.my 

Download here:

Video Presentation Guide

Video Recording Consent Form