RCEE 2020: Pre and Post Workshops


RCEE 2020 Pre-Conference Workshops will be held on 28 September 2020 virtually. There will be 2 workshops held in parallel:

Pre Workshop 1: Big Data: Enabling Sustainability for 4iR

Increasingly large data sets are being difficult for researchers and algorithm providers. It is not easy to handle because involving huge simulation and governing the complex modelling. In addition, they realized that, the specific hardware and software should be used to support the large scale simulation. However, by attending this workshop, the researchers will learn the concepts and skill on how to solve big data problem of a brand challenge application. Many opportunities for enhancing the parallel algorithm, domain and function decomposition, mapping strategy of large scale simulation, message passing paradigm, high performance computing architecture will be described. We believe, the technical skills increase in a hands-on training on some HPC software or communication protocol software such as PVM, CUDA and Matlab Distributed Computing System (MDCS). The aims of this workshop is to build the understanding about big data simulation, how to handle the simulation and how to use the HPC software. This workshop will divide into two parts.

                                                               Assoc. Prof. Dr Norma Alias, UTM

Norma Alias  is an Associate Professor at Department of Mathematical Sciences, UTM Johor Malaysia and Research Fellow at  Centre for Sustainable Nanomaterials, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, UTM Johor Bahru (CSNano) from 2007 to 2019. She received her Ph.D. in Industrial Computing: Parallel Computing at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2004. She has experience in industrial computing, numerical computation, scientific computing, high performance computing on distributed parallel computer systems, grid computing and software development. Currently, she is a Research Fellow at CSNano . She has  supervised for 11 PhD students and 32 MSc students. She is supervising ongoing 3 PhD students , 8  MSc students and reviewing postgraduate students , Computing faculty , Science Faculty , Sport Science Research Center , UTM,  UITM and  UMS. There are 9 innovations and invention medals received, published more than 200 publications, 4 Intellectual property declarations, 2 patent disclosures, 2 product commercialization. She has completed 20 research grants and handling ongoing task as project leader and principal researcher for 28 number of research grants with more than RM 3,000,000 budget. Thus, the three parallel computer systems laboratories have been developed and connected with LAN and MYREN network at the Ibnu Sina Institute, Center of Excellence and Department of Mathematical Sciences UTM. Principle researcher and leader for GRID Computing lab, mathematical parallel software and multicore computing laboratories. The research plan is to contribute in grid technology and middleware combining the worldwide cluster of distributed computer systems for solving the 4iR grand challenge and big data applications.


Pre Workshop 2: Can TRIZ Improve Engineer Employability?

Did you know the demand for employees with problem-solving skills is growing? Demand for problem-solving skills in early-career jobs increased by 26% from 2012 to 2015, and jobs requiring problem-solving skills are often highly rewarded. On average, early-career positions stipulating that problem-solving skills were required paid more than jobs that did not. However, not everyone is good at identifying and solving problems in the workplace; the processes involved can be daunting, especially when involving numerous stakeholders with diverse needs or perspectives. TRIZ is fit the thinking needs of engineers and scientists very well. This thinking tools create impact on the thinking skills of students in their professions

                                                       Ts. Dr. Zulhasni Bin Abdul Rahim, MJIIT

Ts. Dr. Zulhasni bin Abdul Rahim has more than 15 years of working experiences in Mould design, Japanese electronic manufacturing, Quality expert in automotive industries, vehicle Cost reduction engineer, industry researcher, Manager of Transformation department and now become national TRIZ innovation expert. He is a senior lecturer at Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Currently, Ts. Dr Zulhasni hold critical position as Head of Sangaku Renkei Center that focus on industry-academic-government collaboration initative. He is certified Professional Technologists under Malaysia Board of Technologists.




RCEE 2020 Post-Conference Workshops will be held on 1 October 2020 virtually. There will be 3 workshops held in parallel:

Post Workshop 1: Teaching Mathematics with Mathematical Thinking through GeoGebra
AP Dr. Yudariah Mohammad Yusof, UTM
Prof. Dr. Zaleha Ismail, UTM

Post Workshop 2: Formulating Problems in Engineering Education Research
Prof Dr Fatin Aliah Phang, UTM

Post Workshop 3: Data Handling, Computer Vision & Predictive Analytics
Mr Peter Lim Teck Boon
Executive Director and Senior Consultant at OEMS IntiPakar Corporation Sdn Bhd


Any details on the registration, please visit here.
or directly fill in the registration form :
Registration Form for Participant (without paper)