CEE Fellowship

Fellow of Centre for Engineering Education (CEE)

CEE is calling for eligible UTM staff to apply as CEE Fellow. The term of appointment is 2 years and may be renewed or terminated based on request or performance. The following are the criteria for CEE Fellow:

a. Possess expertise and experience in the field of engineering education or relevant to the field of engineering education
b. Must be a UTM full time academic staff
c. Must not hold any academic administrator position
d. Must obtain permission from the Dean / Director where the academic staff is positioned at

The candidates may be called for an interview after the Dean / Director has approved the application. A selection committee will be formed at CEE to make the selection. The application form can be downloaded from here

During the appointment, the CEE Fellow is required to:

a. Provide expert opinions, suggestions and consultation related to the field of engineering education
b. Conduct courses for students at CEE
c. Conduct workshops, short courses and seminar at CEE
d. Conduct research and consultation projects under CEE
e. Publish journal papers under the name of CEE
f. Plan and conduct interdisciplinary courses as electives courses for UTM students
g. Any services that can be provided for the development of CEE and UTM

The CEE Fellow remains as an academic staff of the Faculty where the academic staff is positioned at. However, with the permission of the appointment as a CEE Fellow from the Dean, the Faculty will lessen the workload of the CEE Fellow as the following:

a. The Faculty shall not give more than 12.5% of teaching load to the CEE Fellow
b. The Faculty shall not appoint the CEE Fellow as a member of any Task Force or Committee at the Faculty
c. The Faculty shall not give more than 5 research students under the supervision of the CEE Fellow
d. The CEE Fellow will be assessed for the e-LPPT similar to the CoE Research Major. For details, refer to the application form of CEE Fellow