Let’s become CEE Postgraduate Student

We are looking for a candidate to pursue Master/PhD at Centre for Engineering Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru. Selected candidate will work on a research project, Developing Engineering Educators for 4IR.For further details, please refer to the attached poster and you may contact us through Dr. Zulaikha (019-944 0546). Thank you.


Instructors and employers of college science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) students commonly complain about what the students and recent graduates cannot do. “All they know how to do is memorize,” grumble the professors. “I may go over a problem in class, but if I give them a slightly different problem on an assignment or test, they’re helpless.” “That’s right,” agree the employers. “If they get an assignment on the job that isn’t exactly like something they were taught in sc...


Becoming an engineer allowing one with the opportunity to make a huge difference and good impacts on individual human beings and also the world. Engineers play a crucial role in solving a lot of major problems that we are going through throughout the world today, including helping to save lives and creating new technological advancements that can improve the way we live. This forum provides a great platform to discuss on important issues related to engineering, such as: What are the new emer...


Engineering ethics is crucial for engineers because it sets the standards for professional practice. It is an essential part of professional education to help future engineers deal with issues they will face in professional practice. This special forum will discuss important perspectives such as: What is engineering ethics? Why should it be emphasized? Real examples we never imagine? Will engineering ethics still be important in the future and how to deal with it? Panel 1: Ir. Professor D...

RCEE 2020: Participant Registration (Without Paper)

RCEE 2020 includes of keynote session, special sessions, plenary forum, and parallel RCEE presentation sessions. These sessions consist of a series of talks covering key aspects of engineering education such as leadership, sustainable development, assessment, engineering education research, and women in engineering. The sessions will have speakers who are worldwide leaders in the field. RCEE 2020 are now opening registration for non-RCEE participants who wish to be part of this meaningf...

RCEE 2020: Pre and Post Workshops

RCEE 2020 PRE WORKSHOPS RCEE 2020 Pre-Conference Workshops will be held on 28 September 2020 virtually. There will be 2 workshops held in parallel: Pre Workshop 1: Big Data: Enabling Sustainability for 4iR Increasingly large data sets are being difficult for researchers and algorithm providers. It is not easy to handle because involving huge simulation and governing the complex modelling. In addition, they realized that, the specific hardware and software should be...

RCEE 2020: Video Presentation Submission

For online virtual conference platform, please prepare a narrated video (mp4) of your presentation which will be included in the online RCEE 2020 virtual conference platform. Please take note during your conference session; your recorded video presentation will be played. You are still required to attend your session for Q&A session (5 minutes). Before submitting for your video presentation, please make sure you have done the following: Register and make the payment...

RCEE 2020: Speakers

SPECIAL SESSIONS Special Session 1 : Engaging Future Engineers Towards Embracing Sustainable Development Professor Seeram Ramakrishna, FREng, Everest Chair Professor Seeram Ramakrishna is the Chair of Circular Economy Taskforce at the National University of Singapore (NUS).  He is a member of Enterprise Singapore’s and ISO’s Committees on ISO/TC323 Circular Economy and WG3 on Circularity.  He is a member of the standards committee of Singapore Manufacturing Federation ...

RCEE 2020: Plenary Forum

Plenary Forum 1 Leadership(29 September 2020, 3.45 pm-5.45 pm) Prof. Dr. Roger Hadgraft (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)Prof. Dr. Myongsook Susan Oh (Hongik University, Korea)Dato’ Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd. Saleh Jaafar (UPM, Malaysia)Ir Dr Siti Hawa Hamzah (BEM, Malaysia) Plenary Forum 2 Engineering Education Current Status and Way Forward(30 September 2020, 10.45 am-12.45 pm) Prof. Emeritus Dr. Karl Smith (Purdue University, University of Minnesota, US)Assoc. Prof. Ir. Abdu...

RCEE 2020: Special Sessions

Special Session 1 : Engaging Future Engineers Towards Embracing Sustainable Development29 September 2020, 2.00 pm-3.30 pm (MYT) Prof. Dr. Anette Kolmos (Aalborg University, Denmark)SDG and Complexity in Engineering EducationProf. Dr. Seeram Ramakrishna (National University of Singapore)Outcome-based Assessment and the Implementation of CQI in Engineering Programmes Special Session 2 : Nature and Technology: Effective Utilisation for Meaningful Learning29 September 2020, 2.00 pm-3.30 p...